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Frequently Asked Questions

To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our customers' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

How could I have used this much water? •

Check for leaking pipes - such as under a sink or in the basement. Check faucets to confirm they are not dripping or leaking. Also check toilets to make sure they are not running. Please call us at 814•486•3363 for assistance with any other issues.

What do I do if I am experiencing low pressure? •

Check your meter and the surrounding area for possible leaks. Next, please call us at 814•486•3363 to report low pressure in your area.

Why is my water discolored? •

A repair could have been completed recently allowing air to enter the line, causing a milky look. Running water until the discoloring goes away will typically resolve the issue.

My water tastes, looks, and smells funny. Is it safe to drink? •

All public water systems are required to maintain a minimum chlorine level of 0.2 mg/L (tested at the end of each line) by state law. Systems that use chloramine as a disinfectant must maintain a level of 0.5 mg/L by state law. Our disinfectant levels are tested daily to ensure safety.

What if my phone number changes? •

Please email or call us at 814•486•3363 if your phone number has changed so that we can keep you updated on planned / unplanned outages.

Why do I have a previous balance when I know I sent in my payment? •

We may have received it after the latest bill was updated in our system or we may not have received your payment. Please call us at 814•486•3363 and we will help solve the problem.

Where is my water shut-off valve located? •

In most situations, there is a primary shut-off valve on the service side of the water meter. Sometimes these valves may be difficult to operate without either a T-handle or hand held wrench.

There is already a meter at the location and I just need to put it in my name. What do I need to do? •

Come into our office or call us at 814•486•3363. We will need the following from you:

  1. Your name and address.

  2. If you had a prior account with us, it must be paid in full prior to opening a new account.

  3. If you are renting, we will require an $80.00 deposit (or $100 if more then 4 people will be residing at the residence).

  4. Contact phone number.


I am moving - what should I do? •

Come into our office or call us at 814•486•3363. We will need the following from you:

  1. The date you are moving prior to being moved out.

  2. Forwarding address where we will send a final bill.

  3. If you are a landlord, we will need to know if a new tenant is moving in. If not, we will need to know if you need services shut off or put into your name.


Emporium Water Company

174 Nickler Road

Emporium • PA • 15834

©2022 Emporium Water Company

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